

cobains primary school

Student Leadership, Wellbeing & Support

Our school motto, ‘Aiming High’ is an expectation we have for all staff, parents and students within our school community.

Student Leadership

We offer many opportunities for students to develop leadership skills during their time at Cobains PS. A Junior School Council is formed early in the year and this group meets on a regular basis to consider ways that our school could be even better, taking in the suggestions from students right across the school. 

Our School Captains are part of this group and they support the running of the weekly whole school assembly. The captains also play an active role in the Sale RSL Remembrance Day Service including the laying of a wreath on our behalf.  In recent years the students have also had the opportunity to participate in leadership camps and leadership activity days in combination with other local schools.

Student Leadership

School Values & Student Expectations

Cobains Primary School pride itself on teaching the values that we want for our future generations. Our three key school values underpin our interactions both inside and outside of the classroom. Our School Values are:

ACCEPT: This means accepting responsibility for our actions. Accepting that everyone has the right to learn and feel safe at school, and differences should be celebrated.
RESPECT: This means respecting each other, ourselves and the environment.
TRY YOUR BEST: This means giving our best effort in everything that we do.

Our conduct code is based on the belief that the school is a place that aims to meet the needs of all students. The school follows a School Wide Positive Behaviour approach to student management. Students are taught positively stated behavioural expectations.

You can find out more about student behaviour expectations & Code of Conduct in our Parent Information booklet.

Values Education Program

Our weekly social skills program successfully integrates key behaviours, teaches resilience and promotes self esteem to students.
All classes in the school run weekly social skills lessons based on our School Values of Accept, Respect and Try Your Best and the school Wide Positive Behaviours Matrix.

Encouragement & Rewards

Students are supported and encouraged to do their best and are rewarded for great effort through:

Student of the Week Awards (Certificates given at Friday assembly with recognition in our weekly newsletter). These awards acknowledge students Aiming High at Cobains Primary.

Individual class awards that are negotiated by each class at the start of the year (these can include class celebrations and parties, raffle prizes and free time).

Student Support

Special Needs

There are times where we also work closely to support dual enrolment with Sale Specialist School so that students with disabilities have positive experiences in a mainstream school. Significant modifications have been made to our buildings and grounds to allow for wheelchair access. Integration aides are also employed to support students with special needs.

Student Support Services

Cobains Primary School is part of the Wellington Network of schools.  Wellington Network has a Student Support Services team which offer extra assistance to schools when required. The consultants that are part of the Support Services team are Speech Pathologists, Psychologists, Visiting Teacher for Hearing Impaired, Social Workers, Special Needs Teachers and Youth Services Co-ordinator. Referral to these services is managed by the principal, and requires written parent consent.

Referrals for these services are made from the school. Please consult the principal if you have any concerns which may need additional support.